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  1. Hello, Since the staff realease some dungeons for additionnal content, i have noticed that we need usually some specific requirements (for exemple: pokemon lvl 50, specific attacks, ...). So i propose to you, to import an item that could block/reduce experience from pokemon. For example, if i want to keep a Blastoise lvl 50 to enter a dungeon, and like this it will be not possible to lvl up him. It will permit to the staff to avoid some messages like "pls can you underlvl my pokemon cause i xp too much". See you again on Astrella.
  2. Hi, I wanna propose some new forms for the future halloween event. I'm not a pixel artist so it's only propositions (and i accept corrections) Also as cosmetics: Magical Doremi's Hat / Tokyo Ghoul Mask (Kaneki) Thanks for reading, Have a nice day
  3. For mega Pidgeot quest, you need to show him a Pidgey lvl 5 or less before train it ...
  4. Hello everyody, Could you add a new part of the daycare quest in Sinnoh ? It would permit to reward player by farming Sinnoh's starters. Also it would make the daycare quest more easily to do, if players have access to 4 free quest point. Cordially.
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