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Everything posted by Clinkz

  1. thanks for reporting, it should be fixed now
  2. fixed, thanks for your report
  3. dont use bike/mount to check those, try by walking side
  4. FIxed, thanks for your report.
  5. Clinkz

    Route 2 Tree

    don't use mount to checked that.
  6. don't use mount for checked those trees, check those trees by walking.
  7. how about now ? do you guys still have the same problem ? try to close your client, let us know if that still happen
  8. that should be fixed now, thanks for your report
  9. thats should be fixed now, :thanks:
  10. fixed, thanks for your report
  11. done, it has been fixed
  12. all reporting above was fixed, thanks.
  13. you need pick axe for that rock, if you didnt have it you will got nothing
  14. thats should be fixed now. thanks for your report
  15. -move to proper place-
  16. Mapping errors report above were fixed, thanks for reporting and feel free report to us if you see another mapping issue
  17. that should be fixed now. thanks for reporting
  18. its fixed, thanks for reporting
  19. it has been fixed, thanks for your report
  20. its fixed, thanks for your report
  21. its fixed, thank you for your report
  22. its fixed, thanks for your report
  23. its fixed, thank you for your report.
  24. its fixed now
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