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Everything posted by Hojo

  1. Nice Idea on the gravitational lensing some people are onto it using it for their purpose allready. https://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature14164.html this is of course a little unrelated to the lensing you talk about but it might find your interest to see whats possible with it. Lets hope they won't find a natural solution. Im helping out einstein@home right now but i will add seti@home as soon as it is back up again just found out recently about this way to contribute without being a scientist. Im not an Astrophysicist either lets just say i got as deep into this stuff as i could with basics of math and logical connections. First time i got inspired to this was watching something with Bryan Greene :D For everyone who is interested in discovering space on your own get yourself the program "WorldWide Telescope" its free!
  2. lgm1(little green man 1) is the first ever found pulsar (1967). a pulsar emits radio waves with huge power and regularity back then they thought this could be a sign of an alien civilization which then turned out to be "just a pulsar" that was actually mathematically postulated as a possible solution for einsteins theorys. Just trying to make a short explanation google this number or put in wiki "PSR B1919+21" Now the explantion for "KIC 8462852" first thats just how stars are named and categorized KIC 8462852 is a star 1500 Light years away. It has big changes in its brightness up to 20% that can naturally not be explained compared to hundreds of other observed stars. This hints to a so called mega structure that is harvesting the suns energy -----> type 2 civilization Lets categorize civilizations type 1: can harvest all the energy available on its home planet type 2: can harvest all the energy available on its home star type 3: can harvest all the energy available on its galaxy we humans are on the verge of becomming a type 1 civilization lets say 30-50 years until we have the first nuclear fusion reactor running dont mix up with nuclear fission, that we have pretty much perfected allready. after the first reactor we need to be able to fuse everything to iron <Fe> ferric that will probably take another 100-1000 years who knows then we are able to fully harvest our planet and become type 1. Just to give you an idea what type 1 is. Seti is an organisation that is renting radio telescope uptime every now and then to search radio signals from promising stars. If an Intelligent Lifeform can harvest its Stars energy it has to have researched the electro magnetic spectrum fully and will use radio waves to cummunicate with each other so it will emit radio waves through space just like we do and we should be able to to detect those. Probably there will be some better solution for the brightness changes but this is still some huge news i wanted to share Last but not least aliens never landed on earth never! Those alien UFO that were "seen" over the course of time allways changed their looks based on the current science fiction movies /books mysterious right?.... all things said in this post are within the bounds of physical possibility. Dont forget we are all just made out of stardust thrown into space by a supernova any other lifeform that may have developed has to go through the same process and underlies laws of physics.
  3. KIC 8462852 Seti will get up time on a Radio telescope in early 2016 i think. What a story from little green man 1(also google) to this now. Lets see if this is right this time but it looks good also im no alien fanatic! Just to be clear
  4. you can get a new one for 20k from the guy that traded you the machop with the macho brace your old one is lost just relog after every important thing you do and you are safe(big trade, pokemon caught, important item equipped)
  5. I equipped expert belt to heracross server went down and when i logged in again expert belt was gone from heracross and out of inventory
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