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  1. Solved
  2. C.o 1.2 m by Magotelma
  3. Sorry about that. Here is the proof
  4. Auction: 72 hours start from the date of this post S.o: 700k by Laviter Minimun raise 100k Accept: CC: 400k rr ticket: 500k Gl for everyone
  5. Hey, do you offer pokemon teams lending to complete quest? Im looking for the specific team request for cameruptite and sharpedonite. Can we contact via discord? (Id: rubion55555)
  6. As the title says, i want to buy a renting service for the 3 pokemons needed to complete the quest. If you need more specifications or details dont doubt on contact me. Can talk via discord or contact here.
  7. 550k by Trainersoli
  8. 450k by Ryomabastian
  9. 269k by fercholarga
  10. Auction Rules: - Start: 100k - Min. bid: 100k - Duration: 24 hours from first bid - Accept cc 380k Fake bids will be reported. c.o: 550k by Trainersoli SOLD FOR 550K TO TRAINERSOLI, can close Good luck.
  11. Sold to Zinhcar for 1.6m
  12. C.O: 1.5m by Paok123
  13. C.O 1.3m by Giovene187
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