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About Dlinknotgood

  • Birthday 08/21/2000

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Junior Trainer

Junior Trainer (3/12)



  1. My happiny hasn't evolved
  2. i pay the insta.
  3. 6.1
  4. 3.2
  5. Kabarex82 won! Topic can be closed. Thanks!!
  6. Epic H.P FIRE 30/31 Venusaur!! Start offer: 3M Min bid: 100K No insta! Accept: Reroll Ticket = 530K Coin Capsule = 380K Auction end 48 hours after first bid! Contact: Ing - Dlinknotgood / Gold Server Discord - Brandon Lee#4435
  7. 3.5m current offer by lonebeast01 ops: sorry again for forgetting the time at the beginning, I had put it in the post but when I went to fix it I ended up taking it off, I'm still new to auction's xD
  8. Epic H.P Fire Venusaur Bold! 48 Hours after first bid! Start: 3M Min Bid: 100K No insta. Accept: Reroll Ticket = 530K! Coin Capsule = 380K! Good Lucky!
  9. Auction ended! Deita won with 15m bid. Congrats Deita! PM me at discord so we can trade! Topic can be closed.
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