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Stephen429's Achievements



  1. closed
  2. Starting Offer: 200k Instant: 600k Min Raise Bid: 50k Duration of the auction: 48 hours.
  3. Taking offers on this epic Espeon! starting bid: 250k
  4. I'd like to buy, have you asking price
  5. Instant sold for 1mill to Mboro7
  6. Let the offers begin :) Starting Bid : 500k Ends in 3 days
  7. Taking offers on the following :)
  8. Hello my name is Stephen, I'm very interested in joining Name in the Game: Stephen429 How many Hours game play do you have currently? 150 How many badges do you currently have? 24 Do you know the differences between IV's and EV's? Yes Your discord username (must include the #0000 numbers): Renegade#4238 Do you have an interest in PVP? Yes I do How Many PVP Points do you have? Just getting into PvP Are you an active member that enjoys communicating and helping other people? Yes Why do you feel you would make a good member of our guild? I'm very friendly and easy to get along with, able to help out other guidlies anytime
  9. I'd like to join 150 hours played discord : Renegade#4328
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