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Everything posted by Alfonsojose

  1. auction over winner : darklight0 price : insta thanks
  2. 3hours 40mins left
  3. Auction Ends 24H after first offer Starting Offer: 1m Min Raise: 200k 4.5m Insta accept: cc=400k rr=500k
  4. hello, time is over for ralts. i think i won
  5. S.O :500k min bid :250k no insta 48hours after start
  6. auction over winner : laviter price: 900k
  7. bump 49minutes left
  8. C.O. 500K from @Ygghollo
  9. Auction will end 48h after the first Accepted payments : CC 400k each, IV Reroll 500k each and Pokedollars s.o 500k min bid 100k insta 25m Auction will end 48h after 1st bid but if someone offer last 15 minutes, so the 15 minutes rule going to be active
  10. auction is over winner: Agate price: 700k
  11. s.o 500k min bid 50k insta 8m 3days after start. good luck.
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