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Everything posted by Mickeygaming

  1. i'm helping team magma,so i now need know how i get kalijodo gems in kalijodo cave? so,i need the info and thanks :Grin:
  2. can someone give me a listo of the TM in the game? i need search some TM for my pokemons,thanks...
  3. If you need the 32 bit client, click here: https://www4.zippyshare.com/v/941fF9Rg/file.html and if you need the 64 bit click here: https://www24.zippyshare.com/v/Yy1YViqS/file.html If that doesn't work, come to the live chat: https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.atomicedge.org/pro,pro-support and someone will try to help further. thank you,sir
  4. it continue saying that is down
  5. i'm trying to download the new client but is down,and can't downloard it
  6. Re: Akatsuki ☁ {RED SERVER} <r>What is your IGN? MickeyGaming<br/> <br/> Why we should accept you? because i'm a good player? <E>:confused:</E> <br/> <br/> do you vow to place your loyalty upon this guild,even when things go wrong? sure <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  7. 1. What is your ingame name? MickeyGaming 2. Do you have discord or can provide? yes,i have discord 3. How many badge do you have?/How many play time hours do you have? i have kanto and johto badges,i have played almost 800 hours 4. Tell us about yourself. (Age/Gender/Hobbies) i have 21 years old,i'm a man,i start to play pokemon at 8 years old,my hobbies are singging,BMX,parkour,play pokemon,read books and prepared food 5. Reason why you want to join. i want to join because i want to meet other pokemon players and be the best player i can be,that's all...
  8. i just looking for a friendly guild that can suit me :Shy: :Smile: :Cool:
  9. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ The oldest guild ingame. <t>I WANT TO JOIN THE GUILD! <br/> 1. What is your nickname in PRO?<br/> MickeyGaming<br/> <br/> 2. What is your favorite Pokemon type and what would be your favorite Pokemon and why?<br/> the dark-type is my favorite type of all,and my favorite pokemon would be...zoroark!<br/> <br/> 3. Are you ambitious person and what is your ambition in PRO?<br/> nothing,just have fun...that's all!<br/> <br/> 4. What made you to join on this journey with us?<br/> well,i just want to meet other pokemon players<br/> <br/> 5. What is your final objective in PRO?<br/> it just be a better player,that's all...<br/> <br/> 6. How many hours did you play on Red? and how many hours did you play on Blue?<br/> on red server almost 800 hours,on blue server not much...<br/> <br/> 7. Why did you choose Blaze especially (Not a must but preferable if there is a reason noted)<br/> i don't know why,it was just my mind i think,and it a cool name BTW</t>
  10. teleport you? may must reset the client or wait for a reboot
  11. welcome to pokemon revolution online,enjoy your journey! :Grin:
  12. welcome,and enjoy your journey here in pokemon revolution online! :Grin:
  13. then it most be a error of the game,you should talk with the staff
  14. that "red building" is the pokemon center,and it's your fault,you have to save your game every time you can,you should sleep in your in te bed of your assigned room of the cruise
  15. really,yahoo answer? hahaha xDDD
  16. trade onix equiped with metal coat,when the other player recive the onix he will be abble to evolve the onix
  17. 21 :Grin:
  18. spaguetti :Heart: i love it :Shy:
  19. MickeyGaming's Power house Info IGN Pokemon evs to train LVL up to(every 15 lvl are 10k) Region and City prices ev atk ---> 30k ev def ---> 35k ev spd ---> 20k ev spatk ---> 45k ev spdef ---> 35k ev hp ---> 50k pokemon will be finished in 4-5 days if you a question,you ask...i don't bite,only when i kiss a girl
  20. skillet - lucy gary jules -mad world
  21. heatproof is one of big list of ability in pro,that is bugged
  22. how much iv most have the pokemon to get TM shadow ball?
  23. hola zedivan,soy MickeyGaming actualmente juego en el server red,tengo 21 años y soy de venezuela,espero poder tener un amigo que le guste pokemon tanto como a mi
  24. thank you,MayElesa! :Grin:
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