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  1. Small update in my shop =)
  2. thank you very much! i will check out everything. as i said havent played long time =)
  3. Admin is it possible to open my old shop? i mean i havent done there so much and had to stop playing. but i would love to have back my 2016 opened shop :P i hope its possible =) here my link to the shop: http://www.pokemonrevolution.net/forum/topic/13368-url
  4. Hey guys! just cought this one. looking for some good offers! only if i like the offer i will sell it
  5. Hey guys! Hoen-Hype was biiiig and it was really fun to communicate to all the guys have been waiting in the irc-chat for servers coming up! Some many peaople talked about which Starter to pick in Hoen. So i created a Poll for the Hoen-Starters #TeamTreecko #TeamTorchic #TeamMudkip and here is the Result. [glow=purple](ps: BIIIIIIG thx to FrodoSwaggins15 for keeping the poll alive)[/glow] [glow=red]Thank you very much to all people votet for their Team! <3 AMAZING 375 VOTES IN IRC [/glow] + we were almost 600 people (i think max i saw was 585) in the same time in the IRC-Chat just WOOOOOW By the way, how the others thinking about the poll? what is YOUR! fav. Hoen-Starter? [glow=green]- #TeamTreecko[/glow] [glow=blue]- #TeamTorchic[/glow] [glow=red]- #TeamMudkip[/glow] (sorry for my bad english guys :confused: )
  6. no u cant trade coins directly. the guy who wants to sell it, buy it for you. but i was so dumped and gave him money before i relogged and checked how many coins i have...this guy will just easy create new account and do it again :etc:
  7. PRO Username: Xavi Do you have active membership?: Yes Your knowledge about PRO: Basic Knowledge What have you done before the problem was there? What have you already tried to solve the problem? Description and Message Hey guys! i´m here to ask you what u think about following incident: I traded with someone. he wanted to buy for me 1.200 coins. we made a deal that i pay him 1,1mio poke$ for it. few mins later he told me "i have send the coin give me the money"...i gave him the money, reconnected and dont got the coins from him. i also have screenshots to prove it! so what i did> wrote a ticket, put the screens in it and the answer i got from support was this: "Thank you for the report, the player has been dealt with. There most likely won't be any refunds." i know i shouldnt complain because it was my own faul, but as long it´s allowed to trade coins with someone, support should try to help you. that´s my view. i think it´s not ok to give to someone answer like this. soooo short and to me it looks like "shit happens! your own fault! we dont care about you, we will maybe ban this player but u have to deal with the problem of 1,1mio poke-$ you lost"
  8. UP! new trained LVL and EV poke
  9. Re: Xavi´s Poke-Shop / NEW MEGANIUM! /Haxorus <t>Meganium b.o. Apachai 310k 4pm end of auction</t>
  10. Re: Xavi´s Poke-Shop <t>.</t>
  11. Re: Xavi´s Poke-Shop <r>hey guys! ty for your offers. some friends told me i should better lvl her EV´s and bring her to lvl 100 before i sell her. i hope it´s ok for you. i will sell her i think in few days! thank you ones again for your offers! <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  12. Rules: Selling [spoiler=] 1. B.o: -___________________________Insta: 800k 2. B.o: -_______________________Insta: - 3. B.o: -_______________________Insta: - 4. B.o: -____________________Insta: 350k 5. B.o: -____________________Insta: 375k 6. B.o: -___working on EV_____Insta: 300k 7. B.o: -____________________Insta: 500k 8. B.o: -_______________________Insta: - SOLD
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