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I honestly don't see why we cant have comp battling with the battling system as it is. Players will adapt to how the metagame is now and will continue to adapt as more TM's, moves and abilities are implemented. Therefore this is not an impediment in my opinion.
After a long while of server reform (the cap was raised from 850 to 1450 and that took a while), the game seems to be working fine and it looks as if the developers' views are now into increasing the fun inside the game (given that they gave us the first swarm and all). I believe the best thing for this is to start having PvP tournaments. Therefore I have a suggestion of a tournament model that would be very exciting at least in my opinion. This tournament would be hosted every week with two main stages: qualifiers and finals. Stage 1: Qualifiers (Monday to Friday) This would be an open stage where everyone can participate. The dynamic is simple: you challenge someone to a ranked battle and whoever wins gets points relative to the difference in max lvl's. Keeping in mind the 20 levels difference rule, I believe 10 pts for a win +-1 for every 4 levels of max lvl difference is fair (so scoring ranges from 5 to 15 pts per battle). Only the first battle of the week between the same 2 players counts (to avoid win farming). This stage would go from Monday 00:00 to Friday 23:59. After this time interval, the top 16, 32 or maybe even 64 players (32 sounds good to me given our player base) are selected for the weekly finals. This is stage 2. Stage 2: Finals (Saturday and Sunday) This would be the main event and I'm sure people many people will want to spectate these battles. (Hell, I would even suggest converting the GTS Building in Golden Rod into a Stadium where the finals should be held). Here it is simple, 1v32 / 2v31 in a ladder with direct elimination (maybe making it the best of three but this would take alot of time for 14 battles) This obviously MUST be held at a specific time of the day where everyone is online and this is gonna be impossible since we have players from all time zones. Therefore my suggestion is to make the time of the finals change every week (and making the time known since the start of the week). This way if the finals are being held at 4am in your time zone this week you at least can't complain that nobody told you. Rewards: Round of 32 - Round of 16 - Quarter Finals - Semi Finals - Finals - I haven't thought of many things yet (like the rewards or whether the finals should be split into two days or just one) but I would like to hear your feedback on this tournament format and of course my thoughts aren't final so any suggestion to improve this would be welcome. EDIT: Possible Rewards Pool: MS Medallion, Coins, Clothes, Egg Move Tickets (for when theyre implemented); not yet implemented Pokemon.
I think this is the most urgent matter at the moment. If we could just click login and get in the queue, we could do other things while we wait, this would make the wait MUCH more bearable. I would even go as far as saying this is even more necessary than increasing the server slots. Which is of course the other most important matter at the moment.
Quick answer to whitney: They donated because 30 days was worth the money to them, if they had known how much of the 30 days they were actually gonna get, they wouldn't have donated and they are thus complaining. Finally, if you pay anyone and expect to get something in return but they fail to give it to you, you would be obviously be upset regardless if it was Blizzard, Google or even the smallest business around. That argument is just invalid to me.
Quck answer to whitney: They donated because 30 days was worth the money to them, if they had known how much of the 30 days they were actually gonna get, they wouldn't have donated and they are thus complaining. Finally, if you pay anyone and expect to get something in return but they fail to give it to you, you would be obviously be upset regardless if it was Blizzard, Google or even the smallest business around. That argument is just invalid to me.
I know this game is in beta and I also know that we were told bugs and fixes were gonna happen. Still, I honestly think that members should be compensated and that it should be in the developers' interest to do so. The down side of compensating would be losing money. Lets say we get 3 extra days, the developers would forfeit $0.5 per member. The upside however would be earning alot of loyalty from the members, especially those to whom membership is most expensive to (relative to their income/allowance). I'm sure they would happily donate again if they feel their interests are being considered. However if we don't get compensation many members (including myself at least for the next month or two) will just stop donating because they feel they're not being taken into consideration. I think in the long run these donations lost will prove to be much more costly than the money "forfeited" by compensating. A permanent solution would be to permanently add 1 or 2 days to MS to compensate for the possible downtime during the month. Finally I feel alot of people are just not complaining because its easy for them to get the $5 dollars but for us who actually live in poorer countries it's not that easy. (Specially Brazilians with their current economic crisis) Either way I'm not asking for compensation, I just wanted to point out that compensating might actually be beneficial in the long run not just monetarily but also reputation wise. (Not saying theyre getting a bad rep for not compensating, but they would get an awesome rep if they did)
I know I already did a post with some of these segguestions, I've decided to do another post for these 1) Auto-heal in Poke center This will save players ALOT of time. Healing pokemon in boxes also would be nice. 2) Bikes in Stop Houses and Caves This would also save ALOT of time to players. If we consider the server lag we currently have, we could save 3-4 seconds selecting our bikes everytime we go through a stop house. 3) Pokemon Center connectivity Having to be in the same pokemon center to trade is putting big barriers to trading atm. I don't see any reason why this shouldn't be implemented. I'm not suggesting an auction house because I know it's a planned feature and also because it's a topic that would deserve it's own topic. 4) Direct Item Trading Seriously why can't we trade items such as an electirizer directly? Having to send a dummy pokemon over is a big complication because you need to catch one. Think of the EV reducing berry market, if someone wants to buy 10 berries he currently wastes ALOT of time. 5) Gym Leader Rematches It would be cool as a fun thing to be able to have rematches with the gym leaders of any region we already beat. It would be cool so as to keep things interesting if they could have a pool of 10-12 pokemon that get randomly chosen for the battle, this would make these battles less repetitive and thud more exciting. They could yield experience but not money (inflation control) in my opinion. However it's true that this could be a shortcut for grinding (even with the once a week limitation) so maybe having them yield nothing would be better in the long-run. Anyways I hope to hear your feedback for these suggestions and let the discussion begin.
First of all, I wanna thank Shane for fixing the mac client, it's currently working and the new updates are great. However I've noted one minor (not so minor) bug with the mac client: I can't type anything in the chat. What I can do is precopy a message and paste it but I cannot type it myself.
+1 to the priority, those who pay to help this game be better should have priority instead of those who don't However -1 to the other server, that would cut the amount of players in your server making trades alot tougher (less demand and supply). This without even considering how costly it wouls be to have another server
Same problem with me (I also use android) but I couldn't enter Mt. Ember
I went to Mt. Ember in island one and my client says "loading map..." for some reason. Apart from this my screen is black and the map never seems to actually load. I cannot go back and I can't even play with my alt because the same screen now appears everytime I log in. I am now playing on my mac with the android client (thx to bluestacks). Plz help me fix this.
Wouldn't it be great if we could use our bikes in caves and some buildings such as the pokemon mansion and the small stations you need to go through to enter saffron? Don't get me wrong I'm not talking about all buildings just some buildings where they would be very useful.
Cannot Open PRO at Mac Yosemite After Update
Skryman replied to Linktoheaven's topic in General Support
Same problem with me and a few others that also posted on shane's change log. -
Ive read in the post of why fly shouldn't be implemented that the mods want to make people walk so that they can farm some money, farm a shiny or two into the economy, etc. Therefore flat rates encourage you to walk whenever you have short distances given that the "price per meter" is much higher with a flat rate. Zoning would keep the price per meter constant (or closer to constant) and give much more incentives to use the train for short distances thus making people walk less (contrary to what the mods wanted). Another reason why prices are ok as it is, is the money sink that the train is supposed to be. Most people don't realize that money needs to be drained out of the economy in order to avoid inflation. Yes we would all love to have free travel and we would be happier at first but in the future we would experience huge inflation that will make the game experience worse for everyone. Even WOW had to hire economists to save their game after inflation got out of control.
+1 to this. There is a similar suggestion made a few days ago. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3787 I know after all these PvP battles are only friendly battles but it's all we have atm and thus our PvP records really matter to some of us. Adding the timer would really help.