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About Amorita0000

Amorita0000's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. Player Name: Amorita0000 Showdown Name: amorita Server: Gold Rank on ladder: 11
  2. hahaah good luck :)
  3. Player name: Amorita0000 Showdown name: Amorita Server: Gold Rank on ladder: 4
  4. Sorry for late post b.c im quite busy yesterday, i hope i can join this tour.
  5. you in sever silver or gold?
  6. that is shiny from sv gold
  7. No amin i need money now <3
  8. Wts Shiny woobat Start auction 1.5m, Minimum increase 200k Auction rules : 1- I accept cash + cc (cc= 220k) (atleast 80% in cash) 2- Auction can be cancelled if the price isnot enough for me 3- Fake offers/buyers will be reported 4- Auction time will be 3 days
  9. Wts Shiny Minun Start auction 3m, Instant 7m Minimum increase 300K Auction rules : 1- I accept cash + cc (cc= 220k) (atleast 80% in cash) 2- Auction can be cancelled if the price isnot enough for me 3- Fake offers/buyers will be reported 4- Auction time will be 3 days
  10. Player name: Amorita0000 Showdown name: amorita0000 Server: Gold Rank on ladder: 4
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