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  1. both of my sneasel didnt evolve into weaville when holding razor claw can i just get a re ding i think the server bugged or something when it happened but they both have razor claws Ign: frostyjoe server: silver Id: 12421538 id:39895537
  2. im sure he will take a random iv nature on it lol better than nothing let it be chance again just like the first time he caught it doesnt have to be perfect?
  3. based on the fact that he was streaming clearly if you look closely he probably has footage of catching it
  4. They can generate a new one they do if for staff all the time, its not a matter of if they can, their is always a way, just a matter of if they feel like finding a solution lol
  5. I honestly feel bad @undertale like their is someone selling their basic hallo froakie for 2m and he had one and thats just 2m for a one with bad ivs or roughly 6 coin capsules or 30$ of in game currency just gone because staff cant help I would be so devastated to see that just disappear and then have staff just tell you sucks to be you
  6. Yikes!!!! thats wild ^^^^^ You guys should definitely do that for every player with proof that the server crash is the problem make a megathread like de evolution or something? Try a little harder than theirs nothing we can do because if we do that then we actaully have to help people after messing up our game that we are supposed to be monitoring? What kind of backwards logic was that lol
  7. Username: Frostyjoe Server: Silver My Streamlink: Content: PRO, Pokemon TCG, League, Poker nights, Irl streaming
  8. Silver:lost Gold:lost
  9. Silver:lost Gold:lost
  10. i want a box that can let me sort my pokemon by type/level in the entire pc before that at least before an entire recode of pvp
  11. i dont want mega evolve its stupid child stuff :)
  12. I just want to say thank you for taking the time to give me lengthy responses to my questions i really appreciate it!!
  13. see below i messed up my message here The Information has been vastly helpful thank you!! I do have a few additional "follow up" questions then. I want to know why they staff has chosen to keep the policy completely 100% a secret can we get a page or at least a verbal binding contract posted on the forms acknowledge at least the existence of said staff guideline with may just a base outline like you just gave me but made some more details sprinkled in like if a staff member brakes an s1 severity infraction against a player what happens as compared to an s5 infraction against a player doesnt have to reference any given rule just what happens if someone brakes that severity of rule. Next question if one believes that they have been committed a wrong doing by a staff how are they to sight a rule they cannot reference if they cannot see the guideline of rules player wont be able to know what staff exceptions their are and if they staff actually did something wrong and will lead to more grey area that the staff can take advantage of while the player has a very strict guideline to abide by that every player can reference in the report and but staff do not so punishment is a mystery is not equal if that is what you going for. Last I would like to just say thank you and that I do believe you guys do clean up you staff pretty well and at least take guidelines on both side from a very serious stance i had an instance myself with a staff member that once i approached other staffers i felt was handled amazingly keep up the good work!!
  14. So i noted that their is a page to report staff but unlike with players where their is a direct outline written by red which outlines all infraction and their level of severity is there a rule guideline perhaps also written by red for staff members that I cant find? I would love to see the that info im not reporting anyone but just to see what the rules are and better inform myself for all future instances going forward.
  15. That makes me sooo sad I would be so stoked to see that region brought to life!!!
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