PRO Username: JohnTrololo
Do you have active membership?: Yes
Your knowledge about PRO: Advanced Knowledge
Server: BLUE
What have you done before the problem was there?
Hi guys.
When I was doing an exchange with a friend for the pokedex, I gave him a Fletchinder lvl99. He wanted to make it evolves with a rare candy but he missclicked and said "no" on the screen.
So he made this:
I'm really sad, I won't report him, because it was a good intention... But well I'm sad of this, it would have been a really good talonflame ... And I'm not responsible of what happened, so unlucky ...
What have you already tried to solve the problem?
I asked on Help channel if it is possible to make it evolves, they said no.
I implore your mercy, I played a lot at Pro, and what happened is so bad, i'm a little disgusted ...
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