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Everything posted by Nemzero

  1. Scizor Auction ended: sold 180K to Kakashuy
  2. Hi sir, noticed :y: Auction updated
  3. Updated the sold list & Bump :Grin:
  4. +1 :)
  5. Hey, I'm sorry but this gligar was sold yesterday evening, I just didn't have access to the forum atm :x Hi, sure, contact me ig Nemzero (add friend or anything to notice me when you're online)
  6. Re: Nemzero's personal shop [Last Updated: 05/11/17] <r><QUOTE author="kill3rrrr" post_id="464118" time="1509941527" user_id="1464406"><s> </e></QUOTE> Hey, thanks for noticing me it, I changed the links so it 'should' be fine.<br/> Plz tell me if it's not working !<br/> <br/> Edit: Update, added some untrained pokemons & pvp ready Cloyster</r>
  7. Re: God ( maybe best in server xd ) sand team for sale ! <r>It's hard to make an offer, some people made one but were ignored or told to push.<br/> If you want to reach more people, you should try giving some base offer you're willing to accept for your pokemons, or even insta.<br/> I know they're godlike and some hard to farm, but spamming push/ignoring doesnt help buyers to make the first step :)<br/> <br/> Or I may be just wrong and it's all about <br/> <QUOTE author="burnbabyburn" post_id="459087" time="1508977494" user_id="1568117"><s> </e></QUOTE> Gl for your sells</r>
  8. Ahem, should we bring this on the table ... ? https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=162&p=458751#p458751 Funny thing you're trying to lecture someone about that.
  9. I would like to register. [iGN: nemzero] [Timezone: GMT+1]
  10. Re: ★ Trollrah, Dizzi, & SuriX's Super Fast Daycare!! ★ *NOW HIRING!* <t>Hi there =)<br/> <br/> IGN: nemzero<br/> Pokemon: Skarmory<br/> Current Level: 97<br/> Final Level: 100<br/> Shall we evolve for you?: No<br/> Shall we EV train for you?: No<br/> Rush order?: No<br/> Moves to keep?: all<br/> <br/> IGN: nemzero<br/> Pokemon: Nidoran M<br/> Current Level: 98<br/> Final Level: 100<br/> Shall we evolve for you?: 99: Nidorino, 100: Nidoking(I'll give the moon stone)<br/> Shall we EV train for you?: No<br/> Rush order?: No<br/> Moves to keep?: all<br/> <br/> IGN: nemzero<br/> Pokemon: Marill<br/> Current Level: 98<br/> Final Level: 100<br/> Shall we evolve for you?: Yes 100 (should be easier to level up that way)<br/> Shall we EV train for you?: No<br/> Rush order?: No<br/> Moves to keep?: all</t>
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