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Everything posted by Freedom021962

  1. Why do I catch pokemon while watching the animation, and half of it is blocked?
  2. i will buy butterfree^^
  3. you no online in discord
  4. i buy ada lapras 150k and modest noibat 75k
  5. Flow mark , Closed
  6. Update!!!Funnyman is Abandon bids.. Restart....
  7. B.O 300k by Funnyman (update)
  8. Start Bid:300K Instant:800K Only Cash or CC=250K End Time:2018/6/25 AM 3:00 (GMT8+)
  9. Can see all poke status in the game now?
  10. My Discord ID ChangYuChien#9861
  11. Yap,Timid Sturdy Magnezone i will buy it^^
  12. I will buy ada Lapras
  13. Magnezone sold?
  14. SOLD!!!
  15. SOLD!!!
  16. charizard 250k
  17. Sold Instant 1.2M For Kaminokage THX^^
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