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Everything posted by Lordnorth420

  1. I'm a Android player for years now and I had recently broke my old phone. When I obtained a new one I turned on the "Install Unknown Apps" option. I also tried each link provided and not a single one worked whatsoever. After downloading each one it brings me to the installation page like always and I click install but to no avail each one prompted me with this message "App Not Installed." It'd be greatly appreciated if this were fixed as soon as possible please and thank you.
  2. As the title says im stuck in Stark Mountain all cause i dont have a poke with rock smash. Ive tried fainting my pokes over and over and tried using many escape ropes but yet no unveil.... Sighhhh... Can you please help me and respawn me at a pokecenter or something?? It would be greatly appreciated i play almost daily if nothings done ill probably just quit playing entirely
  3. Idk man everytime i am logged in and try to send you a friend request it informs me that you're currently offline! Well i am about to log back on here shortly! Add IGN: LordNorth420 and message me
  4. My apologies i forgot too turn on auto notifications. Anyway can we meet at Lilycove Poke center?
  5. Available Cosmetics Red Samurai Armor/30k Dustox Wings/20k Bug Catching Net/25k White & Green Summer Clothes/25k White & Red Summer Clothes/25k Available Items Life Orb/40k Ice Stones x2/50k each Dusk Stones x4/12k each Choice Specs/50k TM Infestation/15k Lagging Tail/25k Razor Claw/15k Razor Fang/25k Protector/25k Focus Band/25k Quick Claw/20k Kings Rock/20k Black Sludge x2/15k each Bright Powder x12/10k each Light Clay/10k Dubious Disk/30k Deep Sea Scale x6/10k each Deep Sea Fang/10k Odd Incense/12k Rock Incense/12k Sea Incense/12k Everstone x7/12k each Eviolite x3/15k each Wide Lens x3/15k each Scope Lens/25k Whipped Dream/20k Satchet x2/20k each Honey x8/12k each Mental Herbs x25/7.5k each Power Herbs x21/7.5k each White Herbs x30/7.5k each Weakness Policy x10/7.5k each Prices are negotiable!
  6. Wts white and red summer event clothing send me offer
  7. Please add a variety of time length excavation site passes!! Similar to the subway/fast travel passes! Also upon purchasing the excavation site passes that you're also able to fast travel between each excavation site. Instead of either walking around on your lamborfeeties on to the next excavation site or purchasing a subway/fast travel ticket; idk just throwing that out there!
  8. Adding multiple time length tickets available for purchase to enter excavation areas. (Ex. Subway/Fast travel tickets) Update all of the Pokemon that are in each spawn tier/excavation areas every so often. (Same with the Artifact Collectors sales inventory as well) Add a extra area at each site that only players with an active membership can enter. (Just additional artifact rocks to be collected with possibility spawning "Exclusive" Pokes) Add a Artifact Collector Salesman at every excavation site. Idk these were just a few things that came to mind myself! I'd love to hear opinions from others as well!
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