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Everything posted by Andy

  1. Andy

    Its Possible?

    Reboot 1 in 1 hour so that other players can play. :Sleeping:
  2. Welcome to the Revolution!
  3. Andy


    I like Trollfaces, it is a form of relaxation for me. I feel the same with the System funny messages.
  4. Welcome to PRO, Franc. (If you play here as played in PWO, its promise will not be fulfilled). Enjoy the Game~
  5. Thanks for double welcome xD wwwtf I must have confused the posts I can not delete it now ._. :Nervous:
  6. Hey Bartolomew, Enjoy the Game \รต/
  7. Welcome to PRO. Have fun in the Community!
  8. Welcome to the Revolution! Enjoy the Game~
  9. Welcome to PRO bro. Enjoy the Game.
  10. Welcome to PRO. Have in the community!
  11. Re: [PSE] Pokemon Super Elites <t>GL bro</t>
  12. Mega Venusaur is the best Mega (with Thick Fat) for me.
  13. I've been missing in recent days because my Notebook broke, but now bought another. I'm surprised to still be with the Test. :Shy:
  14. Welcome to PRO. Have fun in the community!
  15. Welcome to PRO. (Good to see competitive players here. What is your name in Showdown?) Have fun in the community!
  16. Welcome to the Revolution. Have fun in the community!
  17. Welcome to PRO. Have fun in the Community!
  18. Welcome to PRO. Enjoy the Game!
  19. Andy


    I see. Thanks for the answer.
  20. Andy


    Just to know, we are working with system TM Gen 1?
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