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Isaac15's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. It happened to my alt account too... Started from prof oak with a lvl 50 gengar
  2. where can I get hydro pump tutor for rotom wash
  3. What is your Discord tag? [isaac15#9678 How often do you use Discord? Sometimes If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be?add more emojis
  4. pm me fast :Smile:
  5. plz make a shiny pokemon checker the shiny pokemon checker will tell us that after seeing a pokemon in wild how much we need to see the same pokemon to get a shiny one because only lucky trainers get shiny pokes so there r many trainers who want shiny n they don't find srry my english is not good
  6. I need help how do i get shiny pokemon???
  7. Isaac15


    i think u should add a leaf ninja headband n akatsuki outfit
  8. i have battle ready pokemon
  9. i think mega evolution should be their because every body want a mega pokemon even the NPC have mega pokemon
  10. Re: Origin guild (blue server) recruiting active players! <t>Hours of played:67 hours<br/> Favorite pokemon:latios but i don't have it<br/> Reason:I like it because its a legendary and its type is dragon/physic<br/> discord server?? <br/> i have finished kanto,johto,hoen,</t>
  11. IGN : Isaac15 Answer 1 :Azelf Answer 2 :Lake guardians
  12. Train my pokemone upto lv 80
  13. Hey i want leveling service
  14. :Shy:
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