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  1. Like almost all days that fill the year, the weather that day featured a sunny day. A climate like this suggests summer activities - sunshine, beach volleyball and not to mention the girls. Such is the springtime of youth for everyone, but not Ted. Not when you are a Vanillish, an icy snow pokemon. Hot days cause his body to melt, and while he can be restored by seeking refuge in his mini fridge, this process tends to leave the body slightly warped. This did not deter Ted, for it is always his dream to take long walks on Seafoam beach with his lover. But he has neither a lover nor a lovable face, for his countless attempts in stepping on the beach resulted in a terribly deformed visage. With a face that only a mother might love, how could he ever find his perfect half? Ted lay gloomily as he spent his time resting in a Pokecenter while watching a jigglypuff couple blissfully travelling across the horizons. Happy but tired, they continued on their adventure. Ted watched their silhouettes slowly fade from a distance while contemplating about his murky future until a cheerful voice rang out. "Why the long face?" Ted looked up. His chest started feeling constricted, and he started feeling a heat wave spread across his body. This feeling is somewhat reminiscent of the moments when he nearly died melting from the sweltering heat outside, but yet is oddly different this time. "My name’s Robin, what’s yours?” Silence. “Are you okay? You don't look too good." Hell, Ted himself knew that he don't look good. He never looks good. But when the owner of the voice talked to him, he found a lump in his throat. He knew. The heatwave didn't come from the sun, nor from the pesky slugmas that somehow always end up sticking close to him. It came from within, and unlike the usual ones, this one made his heart flutter. He knew. It was love. At first sight. Standing right across him is the most gorgeous looking girl ever. Perfect spherical proportions, glossy lavender sheen on the icicle cone, large round eyes – she was what you expect to see on the front page of a fashion model magazine. For Vanillishes, that is. He took a big gulp, and spoke. ... END FLASHBACK “And that, kids, is how I met your mother.” Ted, now together a Vannilluxe with Robin, narrated their highly improbable love story to his ice cream kids.
  2. 1. What is your nickname in PRO? Impetus 2. Which one is your favorite Pokemon and why? Mew, because I love cats! 3. What is your final objective in PRO? Collect all current and future legendaries, top 25 on ranked ladder. 4. How many hours did you play on Red? 640 hours. 5. Age: 24 6. Do you have a PVP Team? (its ok if you don't have one) Yes, started building my team recently so it's a work in progress.
  3. Ends in 24hrs starting from first offer. start: 1M insta: 1.8M
  4. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEED INFORMATION BOSS DEADPOOL and MESTREPOKEMON in LAVENDERTOWN!!] <t>Old lady janice gave budew as a reward after fight.</t>
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