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About Skydaemon

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  1. They type Emglish name because it ưill be popular for searching and find out in youtube. Not having english might because they do not speak english well, and these local people have no english skill =,= i do not know why is it, but in asia - english is a compulsory course in school.
  2. "but they don't update alot and barely have anything to do" Easy guy, that is beta game, and they need time with priority lot of things to do
  3. Skydaemon


    Send the folder to the PRO then
  4. Maybe I miss something :Shocked:
  5. I can understand his point, reasonable but can be tolerance. Topic owners mate, try to hard and asking in help channel before gym battle. It can be help u not suffer to this issues. I have same situations in gym 1. But now it okay as i am go up 10lv for each gym. Such as gym 2 for pikachu with lv28... For makesure winner
  6. I think it depend on people, Larap mount for people who do not use water or suft move on pokemon Arcaine - people have more time play can be try to quest for saving money, or limit time players will buy it Bike - need consider to subway as use it or not
  7. Let me make you some point First, I am not kid, it is okay if you more than aged 40 - you can called me kid. Second, forgive me for my bad english. Did you attempt to not understand? The game have no fly implemented, but have alternatively solution - subway. The point is, which you said "cost money, and you do not have money", you can get money from wild pokemon. If you said get rid of money from wild pokemon, how we have money then? No way to get money without wild pokemon. Do not said about fighting with NPC that is not solution as NPC not always battle with you. Hardcore feature still exist, who said it disable? About Daycare, having players do it! Let back to my question in the 1st quote, and compare to the "reasons why pokes do not give money". List of your reasons plz, not only general talk, need detail. Additionally, Nintendo pokemon is offline game, which is very different to online game dude.
  8. Your answer so... :n: If you do not have money, why everyone have? About the reason for do not implemented fly outside are money sink and reduces inflation. If you do not make money, so you should use alternatively (time = money, or bike, mount). You do not have money, but you do not want spend time. :n: Okay so selfish Why am I forced to spend more time than intended if I have FLY WHICH SHOULD BE WORKING? Money sink? Then stop giving out money by killing pokes and let it be how it is supposed to be. I bet a good money on what im gonna say: They are doing this because in the end, they will sell PD's and other goodies. Mark my words. Okay if you ask why u forces to spend time/ money and complain, and your mark words. You can leave? Who forces you to play this game? I hate people complain but without contribution or thinking to community. Fly implemented has been long discussion, and then end by now. If you say good reason for implemented, I will agree with your point. However, your reason is so useless and nonsense. You do not want spend time, do not want spend money :Nervous: so the game ruin by these players
  9. it costs money, money I don't have. Your answer so... :n: If you do not have money, why everyone have? About the reason for do not implemented fly outside are money sink and reduces inflation. If you do not make money, so you should use alternatively (time = money, or bike, mount). You do not have money, but you do not want spend time. :n: Okay so selfish Additionally, your language is not polite too!!
  10. Re: ✰ NoOb Shop ✰ Update Growthlithe Impish decent IVs <t>Updated<br/> Vulpix - Hasty with hidden ability sold 20k</t>
  11. Re: ✰ NoOb Shop ✰ Update pokemon hidden ability <r>bump <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  12. Re: Complete Pokedex [How to get every pokemon in PRO] <t>Can update the rare ratity of these pokemon? Like common - uncommon - rare - epic rare.<br/> Btw, Thank you so much</t>
  13. Yep, my bad in that i wanted to say comunity made pokeballs and not personalized pokeballs like the one's in the diamonds/Pearls versions of the game. I do not play these version, so maybe it can be hard for me understand. However, I think the owners topic said about the recognize the kind of pokeballs - caught pokemon. For example, if u use great ball to catch pikachu, then it will show the image of great ball (in game, it only show poke ball). I have neutral ideal about this, whether it have or not, it is not impact to game. It just a kind of orginal game in my opinion.
  14. Ah but pokemon is different, I can example for u "coins" in this game means - catch some pokemon generation earlier than normal player (normal player still can caught, but in latter), extra money + exp (items can tradeable and can buy money in game through players), et In this game, it can be trade through players by money in game :Heart:
  15. Still do not understand what make caught rate change by personalized pokeballs? The different pokeballs have change caught already dude
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