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About Westorz

  • Birthday 03/20/1996

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  • Career
    Sitter of Chairs
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  • Occupation
    Sitter of Chairs

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  1. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <t>Bumperinos</t>
  2. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <t>bumpercars</t>
  3. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <t>b o m p i n g</t>
  4. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <t>bumperinos</t>
  5. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <t>bump for swaggity swag guild</t>
  6. Bug : I recently bought 300 ultra balls at the Safari Zone in Hoenn for something around 250 or 300K and then found out the item seller in Lilycove wanted to buy 300 for 450K, thing is he barely paid 50K for all 300 balls. Even though I should have known it was too good to be true, I just lost 250K money, is it possible to get back? or the 300 balls?
  7. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <t>● Name/IGN: Westorz<br/> ● Are you active in Discord? It's always on and I spend most of my free-time on voice. <br/> ● Where are you from? Belgium GMT+01:00<br/> ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? 73 Hr, 43 Min, started in 07-01-2016 where I first joined and eventually took a break when I hit a wall with grinding, got back into it recently playing about 4+ hours daily.<br/> ● What's your goal in PRO? Complete the Pokedex and have a swag outfit.<br/> ● Why do you want to be part of Reborn? Lendingf services and a community to talk to.</t>
  8. Tbh that sounds off, you got a video of that? And I've played WoW for about 9 years now I think, I know what an MMORPG is, sure there are times you need to grind, but you can't compare Pokemon EXP grinding to grinding dailies for a legendary or something, anyways I can see nobody is backing this up so must be me, I'll stop here but last thing I'm saying is it's also BS to have a 24 hour limit on the League
  9. I'm pretty sure less then 10% on the server actually plays for the story mate, most of us already know what happened in Red and Silver, just some minor changes, and I play online so I can travel with friends but that's stopped now when you go from 40's-50's at Cinnabar to a Mewtwo in Viridian, 69's in Victory Road and the Elite Four probably in it's 70's - 80's. and people are donating cause they want to win, am I the only one seeing it's making the server get the pay2win tagged on it? Just the donator pokemon only areas and extra money is enough but the EXP should be equal for everyone, or just lower the levels to the game's original.
  10. That was ment for Poké MMO but it seems the forum auto-changes that to "spam"
  11. I've played a fair share of MMORPG's, they don't make you grind the same shit for hours and hours unless it's an MMORPG wich is mainly about grinding such as Maple Story and Runescape, it's not an easy game cause obviously the stats of the trainers have been increased, try any legit Nintendo licensed pokemon game, you don't spend hours to grind the same shit just to complete the elite four, if making the game harder is the staff's way of making a game longer then I'm heavily dissapointed, and yes I am from PokeMMO where shit was easy, but they don't update alot and barely have anything to do, I don't want to leave this, I want it to grow.
  12. That makes about 500 players with EXP & Money boost, and 500 who probably have alot of time on their hands, now I don't mean to call the staff greedy but it's pretty obvious here the game has been made harder just to prone the younger audiance who can't beat trainers right away to get frustrated so they buy the EXP boost, I mean look at Giovanni, what happened there? He just went out and EV trained huh? How about this? No fly? No day-care center? Now again, if the game wasn't made harder I wouldn't even care about the fly and the bike, but this is just pure money-fishing...
  13. And how many of those 1000 have donated for the EXP & Money boost?
  14. So last night me and my mate completed the 8th gym and finally victory road after noticing that trainers suddenly use 69+ pokemon, anyways I've been playing Pokemon since Red and Blue and stopped at Emerald, now I always managed to beat the Elite Four right away with some pots and revs but I never had to use a full team of 80's to even make it to Gary, I know already most of you will put here "Type effectiveness bruh, l2play the game bruh" but keep in mind some of us work and don't have hours of free-time to grind every pokemon to level 80 or above, I just wanted to know if this the staff's decission to make E4 harder or if it's just normal, and if it is the staff's decission, is it possible to make it perhaps slightly easier?
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