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Everything posted by Druz

  1. @xSoffiodiventox Could you please, kindly show us a screen shot of Gavin's location in the Goldenrod Underground Basement? Specifically, on your point of view in-game. As what we saw on your variables, Gavin should still be in the basement and needs to be defeated.
  2. @xSoffiodiventox It looks like you haven't yet defeated Radio Director Gavin inside the Goldenrod Underground Basement. Once you defeated him then it'll be time to approach Sergeant Raul in front of Goldenrod Radio Station.
  3. Hello @xSoffiodiventox Are you sure you have the requirements to pass, through the guard? He needs, Fresh Water and you must have a Pokemon in your party that knows "Sleep Powder" or "Spore". Afterwards, he'll disappear.
  4. Hi @kasbarinoo The item buyer only accepts Jet skis available from PVP coin shops, e.g., Black Jet Ski, Brown Jet Ski, etc.
  5. Hello @riyubas453 We found no error/s on its script and as well as weren't able to reproduce this issue. However, we added a little changes on the npc. Kindly try to interact to it again. Please, do let us know if it persists. Regards.
  6. Hi @allammorr Did a server restart occurred while you're trying to reproduce the bug? Sometimes, restarting a server has a tendency to rollback cooldown variables of the users.
  7. Hello [uSER=2235982]@dark224[/uSER] Sorry for the inconvenience. We have checked the said npc and found no errors in its script. Unfortunately we can't provide any sort of refunds for this. We can only suggest, to kindly double check first by change-map/re-login/client restart whether any changes has been made, before committing another transaction. Thank you for understanding.
  8. Hello @allammorr By any chance, have you received a reward as well on the 2nd time?
  9. Hello @Reeselover3 Sorry for the inconvenience. An update has been pushed, it should be fixed by now. Thank you for your patience.
  10. This should've been fixed by now. Thank you.
  11. Hello @Shivansh01 Cave shortcut from route 207 to 208 and vice versa is now updated. Thanks for reporting.
  12. Hello @Trazone There was a user who had this experience as well and so, we've indeed slightly updated Prof. Oak to accommodate these bugged users. Thank you for your patience.
  13. Hi @tissou73 Can you still remember the exact location of the Npc you're referring to? Theres a Sailor in Slateport Harbor where it has this exact dialog. However, he does not cater any services at all, as of now. If its Sailor Lulung/Jacob in Lilycove City Harbor, they had this dialogue: "Sorry, you don't have enough money to use our services." executed if the user don't have enough money and/or a transit pass.
  14. Hello, @Kaitiesnow21 This problem you're having, has it been resolved ? If not, kindly please elaborate the current state of this issue. Best regards.
  15. Hello, @silwerik We've just updated Prof. Oak. To fix this issue, please converse with Prof. Oak again. Looking forward for a response. Best regards.
  16. Should've been fixed by now. Thank you, @HiImCyber
  17. Hello We're currently looking into it. Thanks!
  18. We are currently testing a reworked version of Toothless, which rectifies some issues including this. Thank you for your understanding.
  19. Hello Can you kindly specify where and which waterfall causes such irregularity?
  20. According to your variables you haven't yet completed an issue in Weather Institute. I suggest you to return to the Weather Institute and settle the conflict there before proceeding. In-regards to the invisible barrier in Fortree City on the way to the gym. You need a Devon Scope to see it, which you can get from Steven at Route 102. Looking forward for a response.
  21. There was indeed a bug regarding the pokemon select dialog, the team is currently looking into it. In regards to the 0 id pokemon,
  22. Fixed. Thank you.
  23. Resolved.
  24. Greetings! This should've been fixed by now. Please do respond to this thread if otherwise. Thanks!
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