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  1. How the heck do you beat him? He OHK's my entire party!
  2. Willing to buy a good IV Bulbasaur. Post screenshots of stats and price. No Ivysaur or Venusaur please.
  3. Wow. Never thought of that! Your logic is truly amazing. Not only did you think in your head that this was appropriate, but that it is too much to ask a game that already displays the IVs and EVs and TOTALS them to the left couldn't also total downwards.
  4. I know the Pokédex has the ability descriptions, but I think it would be much handier to have that mouse over feature within the Pokémon box, considering that the moves already have the option to mouse over and see move info. Ideally I’d love to see the mouse over move info present when choosing whether or not to learn a move. And for TMs. Each of these things I think would make the game a bit more user friendly and streamlined.
  5. Since the game already presents all the info on the pokemon’s tab, I don’t think it would change any logic or create any unfairness to simply add totals at the bottom. That way, players could see how close they are to perfect IVs, max EVs, etc. Thoughts?
  6. Hiya. New to the game, but already got 6 Kanto badges. Here’s my question: I see that some things are locked behind progress like trading. When do you know that is unlocked? Is there a guide that shows us what each badge allows us to do? This sixth badge doesn’t seem to do anything... Thanks!
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