Re: Garchomp Sand veil in pvp
<t>In my opinion, I think it needs to be decided either to follow the rules in full, or let PRO have it's own rules. Not both. The arguing back and forth is a bit ridiculous.<br/>
If you want to use and quote from smogon's rules, then that's fine, but the other things that don't match (i.e. moves that are banned here but not there, tier to based rules OU maybe, appropriate pokemon bans like Blaziken, etc.) need to be adjusted accordingly. Cherry picking them to fit your narrative is not how it should ever work. <br/>
Person 1: "Well on smogon it says this...."<br/>
Person 2: "It also says this..."<br/>
Person 1: "But that's different, this is a different game!"<br/>
Like really?<br/>
I think there should ultimately be a topic of discussion on this as a whole because there are quite a few things that are different simply because we don't have access to some stuff yet.</t>