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  1. Many thanks for your support, according to what they describe, means that if my Pokemon is at level 35 for example, and has already reached 252 Evs in some statistics, it will not be reflected in your stats until you reach the level 100? ie those 63 stats points will not be available if you do not raise the level?
  2. Hello everyone, I am going to this forum, because I just found an error in the game, during the entire tour of the Kanto region the evs worked correctly (4evs = 1 stat), but it happens that now that I am in johto I noticed that they are not working correctly, I could see that I fought with 12 drowzee to be able to raise only 1 stat, this is happening to me with all the pokes, I need help, I do not know what to do, I do not know exactly where it began with this problem.
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