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  1. As Akatsuki Robe is Tradable in December i want to ask if someone has one to sell, please leave offer here, in PM or ingame - turtlethings <3
  2. ty fot auction :)
  3. Oh, sorry, your bid was after finish time :( Pls, Contact me on Pm, Ingame (turtlethings) or Discord (TurtleAlone#6383)
  4. Finish: 01.08.2019 7:52 AM (UTC)
  5. Starting bid: 200k, Min. raise: 50k 48 hours auction will start after the first bid (Universal time) Pm me here, in game or discord TurtleAlone#6383
  6. turtleman#6383 Im playing since September regularly, maybe not as much as predecessors, but over a dozen hours weekly (its depend on free time)
  7. Hello! Im quite shy player with pretty good english (ok, not the best, but im trying). I played on PRO for almost 90 hours and i did 3 regions (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn). I have 4 100lv's Pokes (Gengar, Shiny Linoone, Gyarados, Dragonite) and now i'm maxing Banette and Swampert to 100 lv. I have also Shiny Graveler which i want to max. I know about basic trics like digging and hunting but there is much to learn for me. There is someone who's looking for someone like me? :Cool:
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