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  1. same question... the staff has fixed the move roost and i already put in my team... dont tell me it was banned again.. Roost is not bannable you can go check Singham's post Roost is not bannable in normal PVP ranking, but what about tournament ? I really need to know, please can an admin tell for sure if it's banned in tournament or not ? (Is it still "glitched move" because it doesn't works perfectly ?)
  2. I saw that Roost changed, is it possible to now use it in tournament ?
  3. Roost usually doesn't change your type to Normal, you just lose Flying type. Example : Skarmory uses Roost, he loses his Flying type 'til the end of the turn, so he's just Steel type, not Normal. So, the bug can be an advantage in several cases. Oh yes, true. It only changes to normal type when you are pure flying type. But still, except against fighting moves (with skarmory) it's almost never positive for the roost user. (No one will hit a flying type with grass or bug moves, even if he predicts roost being used) It's so situational, for example, i've done so many games and i think it changed nothing for me except one time (with Skarmory) against Scizor with Superpower. That's all i remember for the positive aspect. If it's banned i will lose 2 of my pokemons :D: I'm sad it's already so hard to make a good team level 100, with the bugged moves it's even harder. :Cry:
  4. I want to say something about Roost. It's bugged because it don't change flying type to normal types but this is most likely even worse for the roost user. Normal type is always better than flying type, example for : Frost moves, electr moves, shadow moves, rock moves. The only benefit it gives it's for Fighting moves when you use roost before being attacked by an Fighting move. I think it's really specific situation. Roost is really permabanned just because of this ?
  5. I would like to register. [iGN: Darkpandakz] [Timezone: GMT+1]
  6. Re: WTS > Rain Dish Squirtle, Modest/Calm Bulbasaur, Adamant Taillow <t>.</t>
  7. Re: WTS > Rain Dish Squirtle, Modest/Calm Bulbasaur, Adamant Taillow <r><QUOTE author="Olman"><s> </e></QUOTE> On calm bulba right ? Price updated.<br/> <br/> 100k on modest bulba : <br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/D6tIihe.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
  8. Re: WTS > Rain Dish Squirtle, Modest/Calm Bulbasaur, Adamant Taillow <r>100k offer for calm bulbasaur :<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/WPWfJvN.jpg"><s></e></IMG><br/> <br/> 85k offer for modest bulbasaur :<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/eTlx7qN.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
  9. Re: WTS > Rain Dish Squirtle, Modest/Calm Bulbasaur, Adamant Taillow <r>90k offer for calm bulbasaur :<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/CtvEF1n.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
  10. Re: WTS > Rain Dish Squirtle, Modest/Calm Bulbasaur, Adamant Taillow <r>80K offer for Calm Bulbasaur here:<br/> <br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/AAZgltL.jpg"><s></e></IMG></r>
  11. Re: WTS > Rain Dish Squirtle, Modest/Calm Bulbasaur, Adamant Taillow <r>Up <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  12. Calm Bulbasaur : SOLD Modest Bulbasaur : SOLD
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