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Hellionanon's Achievements



  1. Hi guys. The halloween Event ends today in night or tomorrow in night?
  2. Thanks a lot :) U will sell deino?
  3. Hi again, today i got 102 pokes owned and i cant revive my porigon again from silver disc :( can you try with 106 owned, It's should be around those numbers :Grin: Yes i got it with 106 hahaha ty
  4. Hi again, today i got 102 pokes owned and i cant revive my porigon again from silver disc :(
  5. Tu again guys
  6. I can get owned pokes For anyone regions :(?
  7. Hi guys, i got silver disc and i saw its for revive porygon but when i was go to David he dont Give me my porygon :( why?
  8. I want to be to hall fame with my shinys i need to send mp?
  9. Ok guys :( ill wait darkrai next years? Or he dont comes un future :(?
  10. Hi guys i want to know if the darkrai Event will be extended, ill finish hoeenn today and i want to get finish sinooh just For darkrai :(
  11. Yes extend darkrai plz ;( and thanks For answer me
  12. When zetsy ends :(?
  13. Thanks a lot bro, but Zetsu boss ends tomorrow too or 20th?
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