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Posts posted by Captnkat

  1. [ATTACH=full]21390[/ATTACH]-IGN: GrandWarden

    - Why would you like to join us?: I am guildless and just started progressing the story on silver and at this point, joining a guild would be awesome whose leader is cool!!

    - What do you like doing most in PRO?: I like to hunt epic Pokemon, most of the time. I love doing PvP too even thought I dont do it often but still I love it.

    - What do you think I should add to benefits for becoming a Sharks Guild Member?: You should that we can become a part of a big family, we can get story finishing Pokemon.(If you want to xD)

    - Screenshot of your trainer card in game:

    - Have any ideas for the Guild that I can implement / change?:Currently, no. But in future, I will suggest

    - IGN: mdemmers

    - Why would you like to join us?: Lately I've been having a lot of fun just chatting with people in PRO and a guild with some cool dude sound like a ton of fun.

    - What do you like doing most in PRO?: I like just chilling, either grinding up some of my mons hunting for new ones or just progressing the story.

    - What do you think I should add to benefits for becoming a Sharks Guild Member?: For now i don't know im still kinda new in this whole community

    - Screenshot of your trainer card in game:


    - Have any ideas for the Guild that I can implement / change?: Like i said i'm still not well versed, but i'll be sure to let you know if i think of anything

    - IGN: Eskinol

    - Why would you like to join us?: As you said "Are you looking for a laid back and chill guild to make new friends and become part of a community?"

    - What do you like doing most in PRO?: Well obviously its chilling, interacting with other players, grinding epic pokes, and afk (just kidding)

    - What do you think I should add to benefits for becoming a Sharks Guild Member?: All i can think right now is for being active with the Sharks Guild

    - Screenshot of your trainer card in game:


    - Have any ideas for the Guild that I can implement / change?: Your ideas are actually great. We can leave it like that and see what happens in the future, if something is not good or something went wrong, We can try to change it.


    I am here letting you all know that you have been accepted! If you are on discord then please feel free to join mine (link below) or just pm me on here when you are in game! Thanks for applying!


    https://discord.gg/5ZWYGYV = discord invite

  2. xRXB5if.png

    Hello and welcome to the Sharks Guild page! Are you looking for a laid back and chill guild to make new friends and become part of a community? Well this is the guild for you! Here we strive for our main purpose, being that we become a family and we have fun and enjoy the game of PRO, later down the line we plan on having a PVP sub section of our guild, so for now if that’s what you are looking for, this is not the place. However, if you want to make some friends then here is where you do it!


    In this thread I will talk about several things, such as: Benefits of Sharks, Events, Discord server, and all in all the community aspect I want to create with you all!


    If you would like to join the discord server (Guild member or not), just PM me on here! If you join the discord server and are a guild member, there will be instructions in a channel to show you how to gain the “Sharks” role to enter the Guild area of the discord!


    One of the many things people look at when joining a guild are the benefits obviously, well here at The Sharks Guild, since we are starting out just as of today, this list below for perks will be short but sweet, and I hope as we grow I can grow this list!

    - A specific Sharks Role in my Discord server with over 120 members currently!

    - A hidden area for the Guild members, including a chat room, a events room, and more to come!

    - As a shark you can take the opportunity to have one of our “Top Sharks” (will only be me for now), sell your Pokémon for you, as a Top Shark we always sell for what you are looking for or higher, most of the times it will be higher than what you are looking for! And we will not take any cut at all! That is right, FREE!

    - Access to an amazing derpy shark logo for in game aesthetics.

    - Guild xp when we reach a certain amount of guild members!

    - Sharks guild members only giveaways!


    Guild application:

    - IGN:

    - Why would you like to join us?:

    - What do you like doing most in PRO?:

    - What do you think I should add to benefits for becoming a Sharks Guild Member?:

    - Screenshot of your trainer card in game:

    - Have any ideas for the Guild that I can implement / change?:

  3. The rewards I got were as follows: (Please feel free to share what your rewards were below! so we can gather data!)


    UPDATE: This underground area can be found once a day!


    1. One Skull Fossil (You can revive the fossil for free in the back of the cave as well shown below in a picture)

    2. 3 PVE Coins

    3. 4 pearls


    Treasure spot and Fossil revival guy: jsaK3NL.png


    Proof I was first: nO6NPCA.png

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