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About Venguefull

  • Birthday 04/04/1990

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Venguefull's Achievements

Rookie Trainer

Rookie Trainer (2/12)



  1. Hello, the auction will start with the price of 1.5m The auction will end on 10/31/2019 at the start time of the hallowen day, good luck to the contestants and that the best bettor takes this epic weavile. Coin capsules valued at 350K are accepted. Greetings and good luck.
  2. I want to have it with all my heart, I have been active for a long time and I am still playing! I hope to win it and a very good event. :Heart-eyes:
  3. ms 30days " value 900k
  4. Thanks guide :kiss:
  5. Re: WTS Shiny dusknoir xD <r><E>:thanks:</E> <E>:kiss:</E></r>
  6. Re: WTS Shiny dusknoir xD <r>10m <E>:kiss:</E></r>
  7. Hello from yesterday I want to log into my account and tell me every time the account is already logged? I went to remove / drop a pokemon to the pc and I was bottled, when I relogeo to log in it says "user loggin already logged in" with the same account I can enter the server red and yellow but not to the blue !!! Please help me :,,S :Frown: :thanks: :thanks:
  8. BUGGG :Shocked:
  9. Masupilame ban and other players?
  10. Eevee :Heart: Riolu :D: ralt :Heart-eyes:
  11. Buy shiny dratini or dragonair TRASH or adamant PM ME in game or foro! :Grin: :kiss: :thanks:
  12. how mouch best offer? 40m? :confused:
  13. oohhh Yees eevee Christaman full safari!! :Heart: :thanks: :Heart:
  14. whare here islasnd event hgallowen :Question: :Question:
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