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Advanced Trainer (4/12)



  1. *message deleted*
  2. Sure ! As our timezone are very different and we struggled in the past few days, let ask a trade moderator to help us here !
  3. Sure ! let me know when you are online
  4. Added 2x 31 speed buneary
  5. unclear from the post, sorry to ask : The blue pvp chest you get daily is meant to be " PvP Chest" and then the yellow one that you get from laddering is the "Very Rare PvP chest", both of these having a different pool of rewards ? Also we get to keep the PvP coins shops ? with PvP coins now being called PvP tokens or what ?
  6. Currently the only way to encounter this steelix is through story if i remember correctly that is why it exists. I agree with you that it is a cool form and a shame that it is coded but not obtainable.
  7. I don't understand your suggestion at all
  8. Added a few pokemons
  9. 1.4m
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