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About Avi001

  • Birthday 08/29/1995

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  1. what about marshadow? how to catch it?
  2. ok thank you
  3. where i can get toxic or life orb other than pvp shop?
  4. thank you for victini quest dungeon is necessary ?
  5. Avi001


    thank you so much. and no , i have no more question to this topic.
  6. Avi001


    Where i can find gyro ball tm ?
  7. ok.. thank you
  8. i am not a pvp player but i really like suicune mount ...is it possible to buy with pokedoller ...if possible the what is the avg price?
  9. sorry for posting this. i actually missed one.
  10. i was doing dragonspiral tower 3f ..i activate all the crystal but the barrier wasn't up.....i redo it ..it still wasn't up .....what to do?is there a way to reset the whole quest?
  11. but how to catch them? everegreen not available
  12. Is victini / rashirom/ zekerom catchable all year? Or it just event only?If it's all year then where to get them???
  13. thank you, thank you, 32 bit version works fine. so from now on do i have to download 32 bit version? and also everytime i open the game it says 'update server unreachable'.what should i do about that?
  14. When I download the new client for my windows it crashed everytime...I redownload in many time. What do I do now?i am using 64 bit version...though android version works fine.
  15. what about boss morty? he need a ghost type ...where should i use a ghost type?
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