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About Demon888

  • Birthday 05/26/1999

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  • Career
    Want to make video games
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  • Occupation
    Want to make video games

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  1. In Game Name: demon888 Server: Silver 5 pokemon are locked in my pary, my torchic is still usuable since I am in the beginning of Hoenn and it is originally from there. Thank you in advance.
  2. Ok I have android 4.4.4 above requirements there 1.4 gigs of ram and all the other requirements, I have even cleaned unused files out and it still doesn't work. I'm trying on my s5 active and I still can't figure it out :Nervous:
  3. I tried cleaning my ram, stopping useless background data and still it won't work :Angry:
  4. I can't even get to the login screen :Frown:
  5. Same problem with my galaxy s5 active
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