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  1. In-Game Name: Shikhartrainer Discord Tag: Shikhar#0576 Server: Silver How often do you use Discord? Everyday if I am not busy in exams and when I am busy then twice a week. What is one suggestion you have for PRO Discord? As there is a bot command for checking boss cooldown , similarly there should be a dig spot cooldown so we can quickly check how many and which spots are left to dig etc.
  2. Once, there was a small town, the town was full of trainers aand their pokemon. There was a gengar owned by a young trainer , both of them used to love each other. At 13th of april friday , at the night time the young trainer was sleeping at his home but his gengar was still not sleeping. He was roaming here and there with his red eyes shining in the dark..... The young trainer woke up to drink water but what he saw... The gengar was not there at his usual place. The young trainer decided to search gengar in the home itself, when he went near the kitchen he was able to see only the red shining eyes .The boy was scared , he was not able to say anything , he didnt know it was his gengar. So the boy called out his greninja for help but the gengar outspeed it and faint it by thunderbolt. Now the young trainer switched on the lights and identified that its his gengar not any ghost. At the same time all citizens gathered at his home by listening the noises came from his home. The boy told everything to them , the citizens discussed and decided that this gengar is dangerous for the people of the region so it should be away from the town. The gengar did nothing wrong it was just a misunderstanding of the trainer who attacked his own poke without knowledge. The trainer tried to make them understand but they not understood. The gengar was left in a dark forest away from the town. After some hours in the midnight the red shining eyes came to every home in the town except the young trainer to take revenge for throwing it in the dark forest without valid reason. The gengar came near the people who were sleeping ,it touched them and when they wake up and see the red eyes they get scared and shout loudly. Then the gengar told how he felt in the dark forest will be felt by the people of the town now . The people regretted but the gengar was raged in anger. All the people came out of their homes. Now steps of gengar was coming towards the crowd , as the gengar was coming near them it was having electric waves around it seems it was about to give them a thunderbolt and then attack them with shadow ball. All the people knew its special attack power, they were frightened they thought the gengar will kill them , they pleased the gengar , they were sorry to gengar . But the steps of gengar were not stopping at the same time the young trainer came and was going near the gengar, the people told him not to go near it. But the boy looked straight in the red eyes of gengar and went to him. The gengar stopped for a minute and asked the boy "Do you also think i was harming you?" the boy replied "No my dear gengar , the people of the town misunderstood you please forgive them for me" The gengar stopped his anger and warned the people not to mess up again with it otherwise...... they know well how worse it can be. The end by Shikhar
  3. What is your Discord? Shikhar#0576 How often do you use Discord? Generally five times a week or (whenever I need help) If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion? include information about gym leaders and their team in bot commands
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