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  1. yes, i solved this.. i just needed to go catch after battle rayquaza.. has been seen data groundon and kyogre in hoen history
  2. Nick in game: pisquillindo
  3. have other carbink ha
  4. have other carbink ha?
  5. You have carbink ha? show me..have interess
  6. haver other carbink ha? bold or calm
  7. I want for Carbink h.a calm very nice ivs.. look for 20 + Nick in game: pisquillindo
  8. I lost to mega rayquaza on quest.. and her missing.. its possible battle again? or what do i do?
  9. simply the game bugs every time I try to finish the lake quest part. I KNOW HOW TO QUEST, but the game simply BUGS AND DOESN'T UPDATE. stop and return even pressing resync every 3 steps. can someone solve this?
  10. yes is possible.. but i took some hours to complet thats quest gengarite... but i got it. Its insane hard, but i got it
  11. I solved that problem.. won iven whithout raticate
  12. Can you give me an answer if you can do something about? or if simple have nothing to do? has been 9hours post and nothing at now
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