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Everything posted by Osynt

  1. Player name: Osynt Showdown name: Osynt Server: Silver Timezone: GMT+1 Rank on ladder: 18
  2. IGN: Osynt 18 years old discord: Osynt#2846 My goal in pro is mainly to have fun and be better than others. What I enjoy about PRO is that you need to spend time and grind to get anything decent My highest rating last 3 seasons: I did not pvp the other 2// I only played a couple of pvp matches this one. Hopefully you can consider me for a spot in the number 1 guild in the game:)
  3. What's your Player name (IGN)? Osynt Number of hours played? I've played for about 540 hours, i play a few hours per day when im not busy - especially rn as i'm on christmas holiday so i got school off for a few weeks What's your favorite Pokemon? I have a few its hard to decide on just one but I like, Mew, Zapdos, Garchomp, etc they just look awesome and are powerful. What country are you from? Sweden :p How old are you? I am 18 (Side note, I don't think these questions are good enough whet-ever u think someone is right for the guild, u don't really get an insight much to the person, what they like, how they are etc (: , I'm shy and if that would be known im not sure u guys would consider me if u prefer someone not shy xd )
  4. I'll bid 400k exca
  5. ● What's your Name/IGN? Osynt ● How old are you? I'm 18 I actually just recently turned, I knew the requirements for this guild was 18+ so one of the first things I did was writing this ● Are you active in Discord? I feel like I'm too active on discord, it's a gift and a curse hopefully this time it'll lean towards the positive ● Where are you from? Sweden, unfortunately xd for some reason people don't like swedes Idk what it is, I haven't cracked the enigma yet ● What's your playtime?/How often do you play PRO? My play time as of rn is abt 360+ hours, I saw someone use this expression "Slowly but surely" which I think dictates pretty well that I'm getting a couple of hours every day added ● What's your goal in PRO? My goal is to win more than I lose because obviously noone likes losing and on top of that just to relax have a good time I mean that's 100% of the people's goals I'd say. ● Why do you want to be part of Chaos? A better question could be "Why wouldn't you want to be a part of Chaos?" and there is no answer to why not so ig I should if it's possible ofc ● What's your favorite Pokemon and why? I haven't really given too much thought as there are so many and having 1 favorite don't suffice, but Garchomp, Diance-Mega, Greninja, Mew I'm not sure why but, I think it's some kind of fascination of mons that can carry a whole team of 6, it's probably something with how they look like as well. ● What's your favorite animal and why? Cat and Puma, I find it interesting how an animal can be so deadly and stealthy at the same time - cat's obviously less deadlier than puma but you get the point (Sidenote: I'm not really sure where to go from here, if I get denied/accepted, will Ik about it somewhere? Oh I was also in Orgin before I took a short break and thus leaving them, im not sure if he is still there but they had/have a leader Meliodas that is swedish and invited me ( I can't remember his exact ign ingame ) :).
  6. Hey, guys To get an idea what life orb sceptile with h.p ice can do it basically ohko's d nite after rocks, it does about 80% to garchomp, ohko noivern, ohko offensive gliscor - 2 hit ko's(max sp def max hp), (these calc are if enemy pokemons are iv perfectly). Feel free to offer :)
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