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Everything posted by Yumetsuki

  1. It's about the cycle of money. Every time PVP coins are earned more pvp coins are generated. The more pvp coins exist at the same time in rhe community, the lower the value will become. When money is generated there also needs to be a proper sink to keep the value stable.
  2. Either will end up having the walking animation be turned into running animation which will make it look a lot more like power-walking. But if a specific running animation is made... Would probably end up being a lot of work on the artist's end of things. Then that will involve a brand new sprite sheet which would require the artists to also make a sprite sheet for every single cosmetic that currently exists in the game.
  3. I think most of these should be doable except probably the Spoink. The spritesheet of the trainer in the mount sets is something that cannot be changed in position which would sort of limit how much it can bounce. But there are certainly fun ideas in here.
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