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Everything posted by Arexuchiha

  1. S.O : 300k Min raise: 50k Auction end after 24hrs after 1st bid Insta 1mil
  2. Yes it worked when run as admin, thanks!
  3. Hi all I cannot log in the test server. It gets stuck on validating patch. Ill attch the screenshot as well as the patch error file. patcherError.txt
  4. last 4 hrs left BUMP!
  5. Around 16 hrs left BUMP!
  6. [Auction] for this beauty snivy c.o 400K by @Itssoham min raise 50k auction end in 24 hrs from the 1st bid i.e at 12: 30 A.M PST. Ty! Auction finished
  7. Can v meet now or sometime later on me ingame thank you
  8. S.o 300k Min raise 50k Auction for 24 hrs after 1st bid Accept cc = 450k Nat reroll = 350k IV reroll = 800k Pm here or IGN : Arexuchiha
  9. Auction ended pleiades won
  10. C.o of 2.4mil by claudioreis13
  11. Yeah I understand you totally but my SS got deleted by my brother but soon will get in touch with him sry for the inconvenience
  12. C.o by xdzin 2.2mil
  13. C.o by pleiadas 2mil
  14. S..O 2m Min raise 200k Auction end after 72 hrs from 1st bid Insta 10mil
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