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  1. Problem with this method is that information is not always accurate, people can purposely put in wrong spawns and make mistakes
  2. Anyone have a timburr they can sell me? I want to use for story so i dont care about IV's
  3. https://gyazo.com/ab89a0eff510779064401b0c962b97f8 B.O 80k
  4. RIP ur not shifting that anytime soon
  5. Re: Nechrit's Lair (Updated 6 june) sick Umbreon! <t>Final offer 250k for larvitar<br/> <br/> in game name : Kzrmeister</t>
  6. https://gyazo.com/11c57120a0e441dda394909d90233c30
  7. ill insta that 31 def iv larvitar add me: Kzrmeister
  8. Looking for an epic Adamant Larvitar, post a pic/link please
  9. Re: Nechrit's Lair (Updated 6 june) Porygon2 dex service <t>200k larvitar</t>
  10. Re: WTB Blue/Red Crown, OP Pikachu, OP Togekiss, OP Forretress <r>not sure what is meant by OP (overpowered)? but heres a togekiss for u <br/> <br/> <URL url="https://gyazo.com/3bb9b59d1b06b7f6830a995ff62ba566">https://gyazo.com/3bb9b59d1b06b7f6830a995ff62ba566</URL></r>
  11. Hey, Im willing to pay for the dex service of each of these pokemon, if you dont know how this works you trade me pokemon i dont have so it can register in my dex as caught and i will pay you and give the pokemon back, hit me up to make some fast money; Pidgeotto Pidgeot Raticate Fearow Sandslash Nidorino Nidoking Ninetails Jigglypuff Wigglytuff Gloom Vileplume Parasect Golduck Primeape Poliwhirl Poliwrath Kadabra Machoke Machamp Weepinbell Victreebel Tentacruel Graveler Slowpoke Slowbro Magneton Fartfetchd Doduo Dodrio Seel Dewgong Grimer Muk Cloyster Onix Hypno Krabby Kingler Voltorb Electrode Exeggcute Cubone Marowak Lickitung Weezing Koffing Rhydon Tangela Horsea Seadra Goldeen Seaking Stamie Staryu Mr Mime Jynx Electabuzz Pinsir Taorus Lapras Ditto Vaporeon Jolteon Flareon Omanyte Omastar Kabutops Aerodactyl Dratini
  12. Looking for either Salamence, Dragonite, Haxorus, Garchomp, Hyrdeigon OR their first stage evolutions Doesnt have to be completely epic
  13. https://imgur.com/K8x4zXN B.O. 170k
  14. I want to buy one of these for story use, dont care about IV and natures much, pm me username: ishyk786 if you dont know how to add people: write /friend ishyk786 in chat and pm me P.S Should be around level 40-50 please.
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