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  1. Re: Origin Guild (Blue,Red and Yellow servers) recruiting active players! <t>Application form:<br/> 0. IGN: Ffighter295 ---- Blue server<br/> 1. Hours played 108h 2min<br/> 2. No discord, but making one is no problem.<br/> 3. Story not completed. I am at johto e4.<br/> 4. No pvp team yet. Maybe one poke from kanto, need to see other zones and what they offer :)<br/> 5. Favorite pokemon is...is...is....KINGLER. It just looks so cool and has great attack!<br/> 6. I am active every day and always ready to help!</t>
  2. To train poke in specific EV there are always the best places but what if we want to train them on the run. Wow i caught a great pokemon with great stats and nature, i could use it in pvp. But hey i need a lot more to go to get to diglet cave (kanto) and train it in speed. Lets see what pokes give speed EV and i do it in the run. Then we alt+tab google for it, it gets frustrating sometimes. To make it easier for players you could add EV gains in pokedex. Example of pokedex update: Also what i thought would be nice is visual update of route search. The search is located in upper right corner. This is how it looks now in december of 2017. What could be added is group of 3 or more squares marked as morning, day, night or simmilar. It would look something like this. Here is the example for route 8. Also EV points could be added here instead of pokedex. Special mentions is for search arrow on androind phones. Some phones have that arrow placed near exit button so making it little wider would be great idea which prevents game from closing (that way we don have to mess with UI scale each time we want to open the search). Thats all from me for now. I hope at least part of this will be applied...especially the EV points. Wish you all best and keep up improving! :D
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