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Everything posted by Suture

  1. IGN - Suture Playtime - 439 Hours Progress - All regions completed This mouse would become useful since my wireless mouse at the moment is unreliable. You'd enhance my gaming skillz! Regardless, good luck to the winner and thank you for this awesome gaming community. :Heart-eyes:
  2. Staryu for the sweep.
  3. Please notify me if you ever sell Lucario. I'd think it would be worth 800k+ easily. Just my opinion so don't quote me on it. :Angel:
  4. Title says it all. Pm me in game or leave what you have here.
  5. Are you checking the correct server? I think yellow server is the standard one now for new players.
  6. 300-400k Anything lower is a darn good price and anything higher is a rip off.
  7. Also check your internet connection at speedtest.net. Sounds like your command to the server is having rubberbanding issues. If you're having any packet loss you'll need to find the source of the problem. :Heart-eyes:
  8. Spettra finished my Skarmory! She also did egg-move service for me and now she's taking on another project of mine! Highly recommended for those in need. :Heart-eyes:
  9. Re: WTS - Epic Adamant Gyrados <t>/10 char bump</t>
  10. Re: WTS - Epic Adamant Gyrados <t>/10char bump</t>
  11. Contacted Spettra about leveling a skarmory. Thank you!
  12. Hello, it's nice to meet you. Good luck to your future shop! :Angel:
  13. I have a skarmory level 35. His EV's are already trained so I'll need it leveled 35 -> 95+ Please send me a private message with a price or leave it here. Thank you!
  14. Never picked up Gyrados after bidding.
  15. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <r>1. How many hours of gameplay do you have? 246+<br/> 2. Tell us a little about yourself. I have a lot of time on my hands so I'm pretty active. No problems in-game and love to help/meet new people.<br/> 3. Are you able to visit Discord? Yes<br/> 4. Are you going to be online daily? Yes<br/> 5. What do you look for in a guild? Good and lasting friendships, helpful community.<br/> 6. Are you a PvE or a PvP type of person? PVE but willing/want to learn PvP aspects.<br/> <br/> <E>:Heart-eyes:</E></r>
  16. Hello! I'm looking forward to meeting some new friends. I haven't joined a guild because I wanted to finish the whole story mode. IT'S FINALLLYYYYY OVERRRR!!!! :confused: I'm working on some other access stuff such as cerulean cave, mew, celebi and other stuff that will be next projects. I enjoy buy/sell/trade and like to collect unique pokes. IGN - Suture :Smile: Hours - 245+ Country - United States Language - English
  17. If you have money buy a surf mount + axe. Then you only need headbutt / dig slave. :) Not sure if it'd work here but try Smeargle?
  18. Krabby works for all.
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