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Everything posted by Jabriel

  1. servers up ? i can't connect
  2. Thanks!!
  3. Would be cool if you guys could keep us updated with new/changed Pokemon spawns
  4. When i try to open PRO with my winrar , everything works fine i get this screen as usual Then my game crash and i get this I tried multiples times to close it and re-open but it always crash , idk what to do now :/.
  5. servers are off atm
  6. Hi i've been trying to know what to do about that it seems like a little quest but i dont see anything related about that on that route. I've talked to every NPC , went to bill's house and the other beside and it doesnt talk about that either. Anybody know what to do ? Ty
  7. People got their coins and not me :/ Jabriel red server ty
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