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About Wesleyarlar

  • Birthday 06/13/1999

Wesleyarlar's Achievements

Newbie Trainer

Newbie Trainer (1/12)



  1. I have no insta price just keep offering :)
  2. Yup it's real, I take all kinds of offers :Grin:
  3. Still the 400k from aminnation, I want to end this one tonight tho :Grin:
  4. Deal :) pm me when you are ready :Grin:
  5. Hmm? :Grin:
  6. Offer me, i take all kinds of offers! :Grin:
  7. Hey dude, what are you offering? Because i got no price :Grin:
  8. Good evening, I wanted to report a bug about the Skiers in route 216 and route 217. They blink at every tile they move like turning a lamp on and off. And when you interacted with them they just stay invisible. Just to let u know hope this was helpful :Grin:
  9. I will give one to you brother don't post that stuff here :)
  10. Hi, i talked to the man with the brown hat at the Hoenn league who teaches Thunderpunch for 10000 pokedollars. I just wanted to see if my Sceptile could learn thunderpunch so i clicked on my Sceptile. Then the man asked me if i want to learn Sceptile thunderpunch but i did not want to so i chose the option 'On second thought No' Sadly it still learned my Sceptile thunderpunch and i chose to not learn it anyway so that NPC basicly robbed me lol Any way i could get my 10k back? Any help would be awesome! :Grin:
  11. You do have to own/ have owned all the kanto pokemons tho except for the legendary pokemons you just have to see them once (also Mewtwo, he is located in the Cerulean Cave) In order to enter the Cerulean cave you have Buy the Club Card in Blackthorn city (wich will cost you 200.000 pokedollars) and get 240 pokemons registered as owned in your pokedex, when you have 240 pokemons registered as owned then just talk to the Prize giver in the club building. He will give you a Medaillon wich you will need to get past the Dragonite in Dragon's Den (You have to fight the lvl 120 Dragonite in order to get past). Then after you have done that find and beat Lance, be prepared because he is kinda hard. When you beat him you have to talk to the Guard who blocks the Cerulean cave and then he will let you pass hope this was helpfull :Grin:
  12. Have owned them is enough, it will still count as owned when you had them before :Grin:
  13. Any epic gengars for sale? Let me know i will pay well :Grin:
  14. Ended up earning 1.9 Mill on this one goodluck beginning yours on 1.2 :Grin:
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