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About Tetristounet

  • Birthday 08/26/1993

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  1. Re: Another "-"Yellow Server Game"-" <t>zapdos<br/> Gyarados<br/> moltres</t>
  2. he didnt leave the battle, its revo i know him and we talk on /battle chat, when we fight. and now he was surprised , he said his battle screen closed alone. and i waited about 15min on this action. on a normal battle the timer kicked him out. but on my 2 screen you can see the battle continue, after the timer limit.
  3. Hello, i want to report a important bug, just happen i entered in battle against xrevolutionx94 (on yellow server) my ambipom did knock off (not fake out) on his tynaritar team leader, because i predicted a switch gengar. and i one shoted his gengar. and now BUG. he said me he didnt make the switch and he isnt more in battle, and he didnt switched gengar ! if a scripter can see what happened in this battle please. i have 2 screen with locale/poketime im really disapointed, because xrevo its a good friend from PRO, and i dont want he think im a hacker or something like that. he loosed about 30rating cause this, thank you for reading , -and sorry for my bad english, i hope isnt a big problem-
  4. Re: [FR] ✧ La guilde Disaster ✧ —⎪・Ralliez-vous au Chaos・⎪ <r>Bonjour, j'aimerai postuler pour faire partie de votre guilde <E>:Shy:</E> <br/> <br/> [align=center]<B><s></s>Pseudo dans le jeu :<e></e></B> Tetristounet<br/> <B><s></s>Heures de jeu <e></e></B>: 722h<br/> <B><s></s>Âge<e></e></B>: 22ans<br/> <B><s></s>Avez-vous Discord<e></e></B>: oui, depuis peu<br/> <B><s></s>Où en êtes vous dans l'aventure<e></e></B>: pas loin de labas, en route vers sinnoh! <E>:Frown:</E> <br/> <B><s></s>Ce que vous faites dans le jeu<e></e></B>: Indila - " <I><s></s>tourner dans le vide vide vide, tournééééé<e></e></I>" <E>:Ambivalent:</E> <br/> <B><s></s>Quelques mots sur vous<e></e></B>:[/align] [align=center]<U><s></s>"quelque mots"<e></e></U> <br/> <B><s></s>VOUS<e></e></B>[/align]</r>
  5. the clone will get any sprite change?
  6. i have this icon too, and none else can see it on the serv :x i feel alone and i dont know what mean "5% chance to be a clone!"
  7. Can I see your scyther?
  8. make you best offer on this post, i'll sell to acceptable offer.
  9. Re: Le Tournoi Français pour les Français! [Red] <r>IGN: Tetristounet<br/> <br/> Je participe, désolé pour les autres participants <E>:Frown:</E></r>
  10. Re: Pokedex Service <r>thanks for helpfull and fast service. recommanded <E>:y:</E> <E>:Shy:</E> <br/> <br/> ,<B><s></s>Sutra<e></e></B> <I><s></s><COLOR color="#FFFF00"><s></s>yellow serv<e></e></COLOR><e></e></I></r>
  11. Dunsparce: the ultim outsider :Cool: still waiting for his evo :Frown:
  12. make your offer I also accept for 2ms or 280k+ 1ms or 250k+ 150c insta 600k
  13. 180k or i accept for MS. Add /friend Sutra on yelow serv or make offer on this post.
  14. /happy 1-6 (place of you pokémon in your team) for know his happyness. you need 155 on one for use headbut/dig
  15. Re: Ingame BOSS [NEED INFORMATION BOSS DEADPOOL and MESTREPOKEMON in LAVENDERTOWN!!] <t>Erika gave me "5 random berry for EV"</t>
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