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Henryb2000's Achievements



  1. Friend Request sent on Discord RE Purchase of Machomp & Sceptile Offer 2x Coin Capsule & 80,000 poke
  2. Hi, i recently traded a haunter for 35k with a player named Clzk when i received the pokemon no evolution took place and i can confirm there was no everstone being held.
  3. Thanks thats perfect
  4. Hi, ive been trying to download the mapping tiles from this link https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/index.php?resources/pro-mapping-tilesheets.10/ but there appears to be no content so I am unable to get said tiles. Is this an issue on my end or have you removed the tiles as you no longer wish for them to be of public use as I am interested In learning to map
  5. why: i want to have a guild to have fun with and people to support as well as we supported in times of need. IGN and Name: Henry Burke and Brother_fessel current age 19 country and language: england and english goals: have fun and work with others
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