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  1. One more sir, When i was dealing Hoppa in this case, Hoppa's hand touched me. When i done guadian, i can not move in this case. So i have to log out to reset movement. Problem is scyther grow up lv 40 and learn X- scissor. When i log out, scyther can not learn X-scissor anymore. Sometime i lost because furry cutter not enough dmg with Hoppa Did it bug? Hope fix it in the future.
  2. Firefly12

    Victory Star!

    IGN: Firefly12 Discord ID: tuong4969 Nationality: Viet Nam Expectations joining us: / What are you looking for in our guild: I want to do dungeon and pvp Favorite Pokemon: Lugia Why should we consider recruiting you? I 'd like to play dungeon and random PVP, i go dungeon every day, from Victini, Hoppa, Meloeta, forlorn and earn 5-7 rr shard perday. About PVP, i reach top 25 monthly in random PVP but i dont have experience in normal PVP PvE, PvP, or both? Let us know what you like: I ' d like to play dungeon with my friend. We do daily together Enter your Trainer Card with a screenshot:
  3. Today, i played Hoppa dungeon psychic room, when i went into boss room, it not give notice. Then i re-log it, my screen changed into black and my pokes died. Hope fix bug for better experiences
  4. Please put your answers below each respective question. What is your IGN? Firefly12 What is your discord? Firefly12 Tell us a little about yourself. Hi, im Firefly, i played game from 2017. i'd like to play dungeon in this game. How many hours do you currently have? 3300 hours Do you know any existing members? Napogrammes, Cerebrus6, RyuXmetsu Have you been in a guild before? If so, which one(s)? DarkVengeancen, Reniders What are your expectations for this guild? I wana join for hunting shadow pokes What You are looking for from the guild? I also wana know about guild island What other games do you play online? I played heartstone and LOL before, not i just play PRO What is your favorite pokemon and what made them stick out to you? Lugia, Lapras In your own words, please describe why you need to be recruited into this guild. Hi, im dungeon player. I played and know all dungeons. But i don't have a guild team to play guild dungeon. So i wana join to contribute a guild score and opportunities to hunt shadows If you're interested in PvP what is your favorite Archetype to use (Ex. HO, Balance, Stall, Weather, etc)? i'd like to play rain team. I played this team win many times before. But i retired game for a while so i out meta today. Now. i just play random PVP, usually got top 25. i hope playing pvp as well again.
  5. Auction Xmas - Pawniard C.o 4.5m / min bid 300k / no insta / end in 7days 0h00 January 13 GMT + 7.
  6. do you have S rayquaza mount, my budget is 17m.
  7. Thank you very much. Have a wonderful day.
  8. Help me. In past i had all badges, but when i change from sever BLUE to sever SILVER i lost all badges and lost articuno wing( event xmas 2017). Can help me unmerged ? Thanks GM
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