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Everything posted by Jivaro

  1. Thanks the only problem was me I was looking at the top aof the wrong building ... (I must look stupid now x)) Thanks for helping =)
  2. Yes sorry I've just edited the post (I didn't saw your answer) The problem is that I can't get the part of the quest that send me to the sea map
  3. Hello, I think I have a bug on the mew quest 'cause I have 360h played, the kanto dex complete (all caught + legendaries seen except Mew) I have 320 poke owned, 115 evo, and 470 seen and I'm Kanto,Johto, Hoenn Champion So I don't know where is the problem ... I think it comes from the Mew seen entry missing but I don't know why I don't have it because in the Kanto story I met him i'm pretty sure about that ... Thanks Edit : Woups I complained so much that I didn't metionned the problem x) : Pr Oak in pallet town doesn't send me to the man at the top of the celadon mart (A man Who's not there)
  4. Salut, je suis actuellement a la recherche d'une guilde pour pouvoir discuter avec des gens tout en profitant du jeu (oui le chan trade est moyennement intéressant à force x)) j'ai autour des 335h de jeu et je suis plus du genre pokehunter meme si a long terme je pense me lancer dans le pvp (attention les crises de nerfs) Sinon petit topo IRL je suis etudiant en prepa sur toulouse et j'ai 19 ans voila voila voila au plaisir de se croiser en jeu tout le monde =) Edit : pour ce qui est de la presnece IG je suis la plus ou moins tous les jours et j'ai discord mais sans le micro suite a une rencontre malencontreuse avec un petit whisky x)
  5. Manga : Psyren, Gantz, king's Game, Air Gear, Eden no Ori Anime : Akame Ga Kill, Steins;Gate, Code Geass, Requiem for the phantom, Ef a tale of memories, GTO, Shiki
  6. Hi, I'm Jivaro in game I've been playing since the begining of the year I live in France near Toulouse and I'm 18 I have a little experience pokemon I played on a few versions before and I really like this server As you can see I neither good to introduce myself nor speaking english but I hope we'll have the ppleasure to meet in game ;-)
  7. Hey guys before complaining "oh god it doesn't work remove the queue system !" don't forget it's just a beta so you've been warned that the game experience won't be perferct ! if you're not satisfied with what you have just stop playing until the game is realesed in a more "official" version ! Always complaining won't make anything change faster you'll just upset the staff that's trying to give us a good game to have fun .... So try to be little more thankful ... (Sorry for my poor english ^^)
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