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  1. Lol,noted. Sorry for all the hassle though,i feel like a jackass
  2. Discord tag: #9728 Playing hours: 400+ Progress:24 badges completed until hoenn. Favorite pokemon:Mew because I spent a lot of time grinding to get it.Also I love my gengar who got me through the game:). Favorite part of pro:The massive community of pokemon lovers that we could interact with which I lacked when I was playing the original games.
  3. Looking for an active giuld,400+playing hours experience and all badges except sinnoh.
  4. Name:Kavhetzer Playing hours:400+ Badges:All except sinnoh Yes I do know the difference between iv's and ev's. Discord:Kavhetzer. Reason:Looking for a social guil,andnothing also, actively help other members as well.
  5. Selling alakazam hoenn ev trained 200k
  6. Kavhetzer


    Hi,I'm literally stuck in between a wall in the little root town lab.Could someone help me out..
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