For gaining money you may sell game items and pokemon eggs to players. Everything must be tradeable between players.
Trade system takes too much time because you didnt add global trade. Also there must be server transfer or all servers must be shared. If i invite my friends i tell them to play in Yellow server or what if Blue server gets full because i can give my pokemons to friends.
For balancing the game, useless pokemons may level up faster and strong pokemons PvP pokemons must be really rare. So Jinx must be more common than Zubat. Look many weak pokemons are very rare and very strong pokemons are very common. So you need to completely change the spawns and base exps of pokemon and erratic, fluctuating exp formules must be removed; original pokemon no more using this formulas and their PvP level, last level is 50 so they dont get fluctuated. I want to see starter pokemons only in Safari and strong pokemons like pidgy, zubat, geodude, tentacool must not be common. Also rare pokemons are too rare and this rarity is meaningless also unneccessary. I go to a map with 6 rare pokemons and i dont see any of them. Add wild pokemons that go until level 100 and this exp maps must be very challanging and there must be no rare pokemons. You may fill this maps with crobat, golem, raticate, magnezone and annoying steel, dragon pokemons that not good in PvP. Because farming low level pokemons doesnt give any exp, there is an exp debuff for farming weak pokemons.
There must be offline PvP and offline PvP rank. In offline pvp our rivals must use more than 6 pokemon because bot doesnt play better than humans. Offline pvp must be very grindy. There could be switch pvp by switching random 3 pokemons from your team with rival. Also you must add raid dungeons. In raid dungeon you attack to an NPC than you will wait more than 20 seconds if you want, to someone come and help you. If you dont want help game still wait 20 seconds to another player come. Than you attack npc 2vs1. Game wait both players to make decissions than you act based on your speed. Boss npc will attack both players separately but if it paralyzed it cant attack to both players it calculated separately. You may see players hp or game may tell you when he switched or fainted. NPCs will drop items or 1/10 chest shard. Boss will drop 1/5 pokebox parts but boss drops depends on boss power it may drop too many things. PvP will give you 1/3 key fragments for opening pokeboxes. Pokeboxes will give you random pokemons and expensive items. All of this things will be very hard and random. So we need random pokemon boxes and random item boxes. Expensive items must be more common or it may give EV reduce berries so it must give stuff players will use like Master Ball.
We must focus to multiplayer side of the game. And game must not smash weak players so prizes for being best pokemon master must be low and not worth it otherwise game gets snowball effect and weak players get smashed by old players. Also if you have event maps and stuff like that, they must stay in game for players to spend time in it and discover the world. But you may change NPCs, and spawns after event end.