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  1. Hey may I have the invitation for the discord back,plz. I open it once and its not working now
  2. Application Format: 1. What's your Player name (IGN)? Jr0b11 ---- its a zero 2. Number of hours played? 418hrs 3. What's your favorite Pokemon? I like the 150 first pokemon, my favorite is Gyarados 4. What country are you from? Quebec 5. How old are you? 27 6. When's your Birthday? (Optional) 23/02/92 I restart pro 2 week ago, building a baton pass team to whip all bosses then heading for pvp !!! I'm switching my Iphone 8+ for an android! good bye clash royal hello pro on mobile !
  3. sorry I've bought cahnsey and slowpoke, really nice poke tho better than mine!!
  4. i got 250k, i can gather some more but not to mutch. i would look for 1 of those poke low lvl to train them for pvp post what you have
  5. hey can you try to put a % chance between the 1-10 rarity? I've been hunting for like 4 hour for a sparce pokemon and still never find it
  6. Hey guy, I'm restarting pokemon revolution, I need help to know price of pokemon and l8ter to build my pvp deck my player name is jr0b11 (the 0 its a zero) I still have to complete Sinnoh, trying to catch pokemon to face trainer. I have 230 hours at this game i got 8 pokemon lvl 100 + couple on the way (90+) I restart playing I should be pretty active mostly every night I got discord, teamspeak, skype :P I have never been in a guild, I've won 2-3 pvp fight but yet i'm not really good. I just want a firendly guild to share pokemon love :P
  7. I think i'm in the wrong thead sorry!! you can close this
  8. ● Joey Roberge jr0b11 (0= a zero) ● I got discord willing to use it but I'm a french canadian so i'm not that good in english ● Quebec/ canada ● 230 hrs I havn'T paly for a year, last time Sinnoh wasn'T out, but if i can get a team and catch require pokemon to get to sinnoh I will be really active ● for now go and end Sinnoh, then build a goog pvp deck ● I have never experience guild in pokemon revolution, Now to restart is kinda hard i don't know value of my pokemon and I need help to get better at pvp, and meet other great trainer that love pokemon ● Alakazam, because when I was young I cannot fisnish a game of pokemon on my gameboy without this pokemon ● Dog, I've been raise with dog and they are best pet you can have. Dream dog would be a dalmatian Hope I can join your guild and start knowing you all. have a good day
  9. Trying to reach requirement for Sinnoh, After I want to build a solid duel deck, already have a couple good poke with good Ivs, but I'm going to need some help for moves and stuff. I just restart playing I had stop for like a year now but now that Sinnoh is up i'm going to play lot more for a good time Lmk if you're recruting thx :) player name jr0b11 the 0 = a zero 229 hrs in game I speak french and english
  10. Re: Chimera [Red Server] ~ Recruiting <t>hey, my name Is Joey,<br/> <br/> Pokemon name Jr0b11 (0 it's a zero),<br/> I would like to join your guild to meet good player, help and get help to get better pvp teams.<br/> I'm a french canadian (Québec), english is my second language, so i might do lots mistakes, but I love trying to speak it my best :P. Im 25 Years old<br/> I have 223hrs in game. I restart playing 1 week ago I've complete hoenn in 23hrs, now i got my 24 badges.<br/> Now that I've done hoenn, my goal for now is to gather money to get a good pvp team, than to do good in pvp!!!!<br/> <br/> Favorite pokemon: really hard to say, but it's all in first gen pokemon, Entei is my dOggg</t>
  11. in saffary zone jotho, we can buy from a dude ice punch for 15 000, when the guy ask you if your sure you want to buy you can say on second tought, No but same if you do that it charge you 15k and you have to learn the move. get rekt 2 time by this glitch
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